Hi everyone! This is a new segment I'm starting on my blog, its tips, advice, and observations I've come across in my little lifetime and things that come up in the future and so forth. It's coming directly from me and my point of view. It may not be a weekly thing, but I'll post a "Tuesday Tip" when something happens, in my life, that I want to share and have other people learn from the experience.
If you've watched the MTV show Girl Code, you know they have "Girl Code Rules" they share on every episode. For example: Never leave the house without lipstick.
This Tuesday Tips is kind of my own version of Girl Code Rules, but more along the lines of advice driven tips.
Always Invite Your Whole Group of Friends
Whether it's a birthday dinner, or party, or a big event, it's worth it in the long run to just send out a group invite text to your
whole group of friends, instead of inviting 5 or 6 from the group and leaving out 2 people. That does nothing but hurt peoples feelings, and the last thing you want at a birthday celebration or party is drama. I'm not saying you need to invite 10 other people on your coffee date with your BFF, this tip only refers to big events {birthday celebrations and parties in general} Trust me, in the long run it'll make the event feel like less pressure and you will have zero regret about who you did and did not invite, by just inviting everyone. No one likes being left out.