Thursday, January 22, 2015


I'm doing my happy dance because I have committed to a college, finally!! 

In the fall I'll be attending Flagler College!!!!!!

It took me 3 long and grueling weeks to make my college decision. Those weeks were were some of the most stressful I've had to endure, I even broke out in a rash. 
After being accepted to Flagler, I ended up visiting Flagler twice over my winter break and I really fell in love with the school all over again. I couldn't shake the feeling that Flagler was ultimately where I wanted to be. But part of me felt guilty if I didn't pick a Christian school (PBA) but the other part of me felt guilty if I picked Flagler being the one I had toured most recently, and I always seem to fall in love with the school I've toured most recently. I ends up having to make a pros and cons chart to help me make my decision. Flagler ended up having twice as many pros and PBA had twice as many cons. The decision was obvious and making that list really helped me make my final decision. If you're facing a tough decision, I definitely recommend a Pros & Cons Chart!

The grounds at Flagler! 

I felt so at home at Flagler! 

I am SO excited and relieved  to have made my college decision.
 I cannot wait to go to Flagler in the fall. I wish I could start tomorrow! 
I'm so excited to see what my future at Flagler holds. 

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

D.I.Y Lace Pearl Bracelet Post Featured on Vinted!

Happy New Year's everyone! I hope you all are having a great start to 2015. A couple of weeks ago I got asked by one of my favorite shopping apps/websites called Vinted, to write a post for their #VintedDetox campaign! The post is about going into your closet and creating a new look for an old item and showing how to style it (it's about giving something old, new life for the new year!) I chose to do a D.I.Y, and did so by cutting up an old lace shirt and making a new bracelet out of it! 
Go check out the post here, and let me know what you think!

Thanks Vinted for asking me to partake in such a neat and creative campaign!

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